If you have back pain, you may benefit from chiropractic care provided by Arizona Chiropractic & Holistic Health Center, serving Scottsdale, Arizona and the surrounding area. Chiropractic care is a traditional, non-medicated approach to health care that focuses on getting to the root of the problem. And at Arizona Chiropractic, we believe in taking a modern approach to the traditional.
What is an adjustment?
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Academic textbook
Backed by various research articles
Written for professionals
Go to sourceWhy is it done?
What’s a joint?
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Academic textbook
Backed by various research articles
Written for professionals
Go to sourceThere are a variety of reasons why joints to lose their normal function and motion. D.D. Palmer hypothesized that these small misalignments impeded the body’s functions; specifically, the ability to self-heal.
Goals of Care
Where did it come from?
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Technology and Culture
Peer-reviewed journal
Internationally recognized journal
Multi-disciplinary journal
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Peer-reviewed journal
Internationally recognized journal
Leading journal in the field
Go to sourceTypically, chiropractic care uses a combination of manual manipulation and exercise therapy to get to the root of the problem, so you no longer have pain and are able to move comfortably.