Vertebral Subluxation
A certain set of signs and symptoms affecting the spinal column is referred to as a vertebral subluxation. when the bones of the spine lose their normal position and motion, this is a complex that occurs. The vertebral subluxation complex is the result of chemical imbalances, alcohol, prolonged sitting, poor posture, trauma, or even emotional stress. Car accidents, improper lifting techniques, and sports injuries are examples of trauma that can result in vertebral subluxation complex.
The term “complex” is associated with vertebral subluxation because, as the word implies, the condition is multifaceted and has many components. This is due to the fact that a vertebral subluxation complex can be the root cause of many healthcare issues. When one or more vertebrae are out of place or fail to perform their intended motion, they can disrupt the nervous system’s function. Because the vertebral bones are designed to contain and protect this system, interference can cause pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots as they exit the spinal column. When a vertebral subluxation complex manifests itself, a variety of symptoms can occur that affect the spine, its associated soft tissues, and even the tissues and organs controlled by the affected nerves. Some of the effects include abnormal muscle function, abnormal soft tissue function, abnormal nerve function, decreased range of motion, and pain. It can also lead to arthritis.

A vertebral subluxation complex can be identified by 5 major parts.
Spinal kinesiopathology.
This component sounds very similar to vertebral subluxation. The spine’s bones have lost their natural motion and position, making it difficult for the patient to turn and bend. It initiates the other four components.
When the muscles that support the spine weaken, atrophy, or become stiff, they can spasm. This results in scar tissue, which alters muscle tone.
When the spine malfunctions, it can obstruct, stretch, or agitate nerve tissue. Nerve tissue is extremely delicate. Irritation in these ways can lead to nerve system dysfunction and worsening symptoms elsewhere in the body.
An increase in blood and lymph supplies can cause a patient’s body temperature to rise. This, in turn, can result in inflammation and swelling, causing discs to protrude, tear, herniate, or deteriorate.
This occurs when abnormal bony growths such as bone spurs attempt to fuse faulty spinal joints, resulting in spine decay, scar tissue, and nerve dysfunction.
Your Scottsdale chiropractor will not only detect and treat the vertebral subluxation complex, but once the spinal bones have returned to their normal position and function, Dr. Morris will try to prevent the problem from recurring. Chiropractic treatments, specifically spinal adjustments, can be used to treat vertebral subluxation complex and alleviate its symptoms.
Contact your practitioner to learn more about how chiropractic treatments can be tailored to your specific vertebral subluxation complex-related condition.
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