Chiropractic Care for our High-tech Lifestyles

  • Chiropractic Care for our High-tech Lifestyles

While technology opens new avenues for entertainment, communication, and productivity, it also introduces new health risks. A little more than a decade ago, if you would have said “text neck” or “tech neck,” people would have looked at you funny. Many people are now suffering from the unintended musculoskeletal repercussions of excessive technology usage.

Text Neck or Tech Neck

Most individuals hold their mobile devices close to their bodies, dipping their heads to view what’s on the screen, rather than holding them straight out in front of their faces to have proper posture. Constantly lowering your head forward hunches your shoulders, inflames tissue in your neck, and strains your spine because the typical head weighs 10 pounds. This neck ailment caused by technology is sometimes referred to as “text neck” or “tech neck.” Text neck is on the rise among children and young people, who have previously had minimal spinal issues.
How can you avoid this posture? Develop bodily awareness. Shoulders need to be rolled down and back. Take note of whether your head protrudes from your chest. If this is the case, move it back so your ears are over your shoulders. Check your posture on a regular basis to avoid poor habits from creeping back into your life. If your chin drops to an angle that puts you at risk for tech neck, mobile applications can notify you.

Sitting is the new smoking

Sitting at a computer for extended periods of time causes all of the difficulties associated with tech neck and then some. Aside from a hunched back, you may be gaining weight, tightening lower body muscles, and potentially losing years off your life. Many recent scientific research studies relate sedentary lifestyles to premature death. According to the World Health Organization, insufficient physical exercise kills over 3.2 million people each year. As a result, it is a major risk factor for death.

However, most individuals cannot just up and leave their desk jobs. To combat this, set a timer to remind you to go for a two-minute walk every hour. Throughout the day, check your posture. Get a standing desk or one that adjusts between sitting and standing if feasible to reduce your amount of sat hours.

Reduced Blinking and Dry Eyes

People typically blink roughly 20 times each minute. Unless they’re using a computer, which cuts their blink rate to once or twice per minute. Your eyes may get dry if you blink infrequently. What is the answer? Take additional pauses, blink more frequently, or use lubricant-only eye drops.

Call your local chiropractor in Scottsdale, Dr. Morris

Everyone’s health is impacted by technology. Consult your chiropractor if you are experiencing back or neck discomfort, headaches, or eye strain. A chiropractor, in addition to correcting your spine, may advise you on ergonomic workstations and exercises to reduce discomfort and avoid future issues.